Monday, February 8, 2016

The Myth and Facts of the Constellations Cancer

The constellations cancer is one of the zodiac constellations. It represents the gigantic crab that attacked Hercules in the second of his 12 he had to perform these labors as part of penance for having killed his family. The jealous goddess Hera sent the crab as a way to ensure the defeat of the hero in his battle against Hydra, the water serpent.

Astrology is not a science which is the reason why you must never attempt to draw any comparisons between the 2. Cancer is designated as the 4th zodiac sign which encompasses people born between the 20th of June and the 22nd of July. It is regarded as a water sign and is a member of the four cardinal signs. The cardinal signs are the indicators to a season change every time the sun runs its annual course and passes through them.

In the myth, the crab was sent by in aid of Hydra which was a serpent-like beast that had poisonous breath and numerous heads. This serpent is represented by Hydra constellation. The crab failed to be of much help to the serpent as it was kicked all the way to the stars after attempting to tackle Hercules. Yet another version of the myth says that the crab was crushed by the Hero. It was then rewarded with a place among the stars for its efforts. The place that the crab got doesn’t have any bright stars because of this failure to accomplish the mission. T6here is no star brighter than the 4th magnitude in Cancer.

Cancer’s Major Stars

Some of the major stars include

Acubens-Alpha Cancri
 This is the fourth brightest star in the constellation cancer. It features a magnitude varying between 4.20 and4.27. It also goes by the name Al Zubanah or Sertan meaning claws and the crab respectively. It is located at an incredible distance of 174 light years away from earth and is also a multiple star system. The stars are Alphqa Cancri and Alpha Cancri B, among others.

A Tarf – Beta Cancri
 This is the brightest star in the constellation. It has a visual magnitude of 3. Its name is thought to mean ‘the eye’ or ‘the glance’ (of Leo)

Asellus – Delta Cancri
This is an orange giant with a magnitude of 3.94. It is located at a distance of 180 light years from earth and is the second brightest star in this constellation.

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